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We are a family business in Ranua. We organize high-quality and experiential husky programs and safaris throughout the year.​

In summer and autumn, husky programs and carriage rides are carried out at the Arctic Borealis Huskies kennel in Pohjasperä. In winter, the sledding takes place on a sleigh from the Wild Arctic Husky Park near Ranua Wildlife Park.

The programs include suitable activities for customers of all ages; we have cart rides and husky safaris of different lengths from one hour to all-day programs. In spring and autumn, you can also book an introductory visit and come see the dogs in our kennel.

Welcome to a safari with us!

Contact details

Arctic Borealis Huskies

Rekikoirantie 1, 97665 Pohjasperä

Phone. 040 846 8227

Villa Huilinki

Ranua Resort

Arctic Guesthouse & Igloos

The Book Bar

Lions club


Arctic Dreams House

Villa Kuulas

Arctic Borealis Huskies

Vaaran Porotila

Ranuan Hevospalvelut

Villa Havula

Private Santa

Lupland Adventures